Manava Seva is Madhava Seva

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Latihan Soal UN (lanjutan)

B. Bahasa Inggris
The following text is for question 1 to 2.
I’m going to Anula supermarket to get some sugar. Would you like to turn the stove on when you are home? I’ve put some soup there. Just heat it for 5 minutes and then take it out from the stove before you have dinner.

1.    What is the message about? (UN 2008/2009)
a.    Telling Tom to eat the soup
b.    Asking Tom to buy some sugar
c.    Asking Tom to go to supermarket
d.    Telling Tom to heat the soup
e.    Telling Tom wait for 5 minutes

·         Kalimat tanya “What is the nessage about?” menanyakan tentang ”Apa pesan tersebut?”
·         Kalimat pada teks “Would you like to turn the stove on when you are home? I’ve put some soup there” menjelaskan bahwa “Jika Tom ada di rumah diminta utuk menyalakan kompor dan menghangatkan/memanaskan sup yang ada di kompor.”
Jadi, jawaban yang tepat tentang pesan tersebut adalah “Telling Tom to heat the soup”.
Jawaban: D

2.    “I’ve put some soup there”.
The word there in the sentece refers to... (UN 2008/2009)
a.    Home
b.    Kitchen
c.    The stove
d.    The supermarket
e.    Anula supemarket

·         Kalimat “I’ve put some soup there” terdapat kata ganti/pronoun, yaitu “there”.
·         Untuk mengetahui kata asal dari there perhatikan kalimat berikut.
Would you like to turn the stove on when you are home?” yang memiliki kata “the stove” (kompor). Umumnya masakan berupa sayuran ditaruh di atas kompor.
Jadi, there yang dimaksud adalah kompor (the stove).
Jawaban: C

3.    Jakarta is located in the northwest coast of Java Island at the mouth of the Ciliwung River. It dominates Indonesian’s administration, economic, and cultural activity and it is a major commercial adn transportations half with in Asia. The climate is hot and hamid. Rainfall occurs through half the year. The heaviest rainfall is from November to May. The city lies on the flat flow plain and is likely to be affected by flood during the period of heavy rainfall.

Why is Jakarta at risk flooding? (UN 2007/2008)
a.    It lies on high land
b.    It is densely populated
c.    It lies on a flat low plain area
d.    The climate is hot and hamid
e.    It is at the mouth of the Ciliwung River

Kalimat “Why is Jakarta at risk flooding?” artinya “Mengapa Jakarta beresiko terjadi banjir?”.
Jawabannya terdapat pada kalimat “The city lies on the flat flow plain and is likely to be affected by flood during the period of heavy rainfall” yang artinya “Kota tersebut terletak pada dataran rendah dan kemungkinan besar terpengaruh oleh banjir selama periode hujan lebat”.
Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah “It lies on a flat low plain area”.
Jawaban: C

4.    The dialogue.
Man         : I was dissapointed with the art exhibition.
Woman   : So was I. The paintings were not great work.

What does the man express? (UN 2006/2007)
a.    Inability
b.    Uncertainty
c.    Impossibility
d.    Disagreement
e.    Dissatisfaction
·         The man mengungkapkan: “I was dissapointed with the art exhibition”, yang menunjukkan kekecewaannya terhadap pameran seni tersebut.
·         Kekecewaan menunjukkan ketidakpuasan (Dissatisfaction).
Jawaban: E

5.    Read the following text!
Good acting and good story can make a play interesting. It is equally important to make it as realistic as possible with suitable costumes, props, and sets. Be creative but don’t forget to have fun.

What is the text about? (UN 2010/2011)
a.    The writer’s complaint to the actors.
b.    The direction of making good acting.
c.    Steps on how to make a play interesting.
d.    Advise to make the play realistic and interesting.
e.    A motivation to make the actors work harder.

Teks tersebut mengenai nasehat agar actingnya serealistik dan semenarik mungkin.
Jawaban: D

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